If photos are in other formats, additional conversion charges may apply.ĥ. For the smaller pictures, avoid selecting photos taken around the same time where people/things are roughly in the same spot/pose, as these will look like duplicates when scaled down.Ĥ.
#Photo mosaic artwork full
For the main image, full body pictures, photos with many subjects, or distant shots are not recommended unless you are content with less detail.ģ. For best results, include a high quality, well-lit photo with a clear view of the subject for the main image.Ģ.
You will be sent a full resolution digital image that you can use freely on your computer or have printed from your company of choice onto a blanket, pillow, t-shirt, mug, placed in a photo frame, or anything else your heart desires. It’s incredible!ġ.5″ Thickness for Gallery Quality Profileĭigital Proof for Approval Before Printing From a distance or close up, you and others will be mesmerized. The smaller photos blend to form a complete picture while each individual tile can also be seen. Own the most unique piece of art by combining hundreds, or even thousands, of your own photos to create a one-of-a-kind mosaic of one of your favorite photos.